
You Should Have Started Sooner

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By Ken Klein Disclaimer: There’s no denying the massive amount of information surrounding climbing and training for climbing in today’s world. This shows up in the form of articles, podcasts and instagram posts to name just a few. The first question any consumer of information should ask is, “Does this apply to me and where…

6 Takeaways From Coaching Youth Climbers (That Every Rock Climber Needs to Hear)

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By Ken Klein Coaching youth climbers is the most rewarding work I have done in my life. It just so happens that it may also be the most exhausting as well. When I started coaching Team Whetstone in Fort Collins, Colorado, there were 17 kids on the team. When I left that count had jumped…

What Does it Mean to Hire a Coach?

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By Steve Bechtel –  I never wanted to be a coach, I only wanted to be better. I wanted so badly to get rid of the fat around my middle and get past the feeling of not being able to hold on any longer, that as a high school student I read every book I…

Training Beta Podcast 132 | Charlie Manganiello and Alex Bridgewater: 5 Common Training Mistakes Climbers Make

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Charlie Manganiello and Alex Bridgewater: 5 Common Training Mistakes Climbers Make  Date: September 9th, 2019 About Charlie Manganiello and Alex Bridgewater  Charlie Manganiello and Alex Bridgewater are both trainers at Steve Bechtel’s gym, Elemental Performance & Fitness, in Lander, Wyoming. They’re also both online trainers/coaches at They work closely with Steve Bechtel every day, and they’ve…

The Value of a Climbing Coach

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by Steve Bechtel Thirty years ago, almost none of us had coaches. I remember road tripping down to the front range for some competitions, and climbing against a young kid from Colorado Springs named Kevin Gonzales. He was good, younger than we were, and super strong. Most intimidating of all, though, was that he had…

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