
Kill One Exercise, Learn One Exercise, and Pick One To Maximize

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By Steve Bechtel   Routine can be comforting, but it can kill our motivation. Things get boring. We don’t push. Routine can also kill our progress physically, because the stimulus being delivered to the body isn’t novel enough (in movement type, load, speed, etc.) to make the muscles adapt any further. With this in mind,…

Velocity-Based Training is Really a Thing

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By Steve Bechtel   There are a lot of ways to make yourself stronger, and part of the path of an athlete is to explore these. Most of us start out weight training in a class or with a trainer, and we spend most of our time doing basic movements to the point where the…

Timed Strength

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By Steve Bechtel   Stuck? Try This Small Change To Your Strength Program This almost sounds like clickbait, and if that’s how you got here, thanks for reading. I’m not trying to deceive you or sell you anything…I just want to share a tactic that most of us have never tried and that works well…

Ready, Set, Train

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Ready, Set, Train…Getting Ready for Winter Training By Steve Bechtel   Most of us ramp up to training with some amount of reluctance. If we had it our way, October would be ten weeks long and crisp and cool the whole time. But at some point the pockets start dripping or the approach gets snowed…


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By Steve Bechtel   There are really only a couple of things that are totally essential to progress in sport. They are effort and consistency. Sure, you need some basic skills, and feedback, and whatnot, but these things come more naturally if we are continuing to show up for training. When it comes to method,…

One Piece At A Time

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By Steve Bechtel When we think about strength training in the weight room, most of us go to the “big” lifts: squats, bench press, pull-ups, and deadlifts. This isn’t wrong. A program built around these exercises can help you build tremendous strength and durability, but it’s easy to see that these aren’t exactly climbing-like movements….

No Days Off

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By Steve Bechtel It seems like we all have defaults when it comes to exercise and training. Some of us just can’t get enough, and sneak in a hard workout at every opportunity. Others want to do just enough to still do the sport, but want to invest their time elsewhere. There are issues at…

Short Term Programming: Program Design Series

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Medium Term Programming: Program Design Series

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TRAIN: Returning to Climbing Post Covid

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Long Term Programming: Program Design Series

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PRACTICE: Protein Intake for Climbers

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