We build all of our training plans to work for real people. Built on 4-week cycles, our plans can be assembled to address almost any training goal. Whether bouldering, big-wall climbing, redpointing, or just getting generally stronger, this is your starting point for getting better.

Foundations of Power

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by Micah Elconin Introduction Admittedly, this was an experiment.  I’ve consistently strength trained for most of my multi decade climbing career and seem to be a relatively strong human given my age, history etc.  Sure, there’s always some weak links I’m looking to shore up, but as a general rule, I know that strength is…

The Full Tilt Bouldering Plan

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I wrote the Full Tilt Redpoint Plan for myself a decade ago. I had little kids, was super busy at the gym, and wanted to get the most out of my sport climbing with the limited time I had. Since then, we’ve programmed dozens of variations to this plan for climbers seeking all kinds of…

Total Body Power – 6 Weeks – Cycled Volume

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Power training is a harsh mistress, and can destroy you as easily as it can build you up. High loads and high speed make for ample opportunities to make mistakes, and we tend to overdo it in these workouts…especially when we’re jumping from hold to hold. This training plan is built with two firm goals…

Power Bouldering Training Plan 2

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This training plan has been our most-downloaded plan for over five years. It’s pretty basic, but it delivers results. The version here is updated from the original 2007 program to reflect changes in our programming. This training cycle is set up to allow a little more leeway in an athlete’s training. It is a repeating…

Power Bouldering Training Plan 1

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The Power Bouldering plans are built to help you maximize power production in boulderers and route climbers. This training plan incorporates bouldering (indoors or out), campusing, and resistance training. This is a simple Level I plan, appropriate for climbers who have been training very little in the past 12 months, want a very simple program,…

Training Type